Sunday, October 18, 2020

Return to the Throne Of Bloodstone [H5]... Story and Folklore...

Many centuries ago brave heroes banded together to thwart minions of evil.  These minions were reviving an evil god of ancient times, not normally worshipped or commonly known to the realms of Golarion...  the goat god, the prince of the undead...  Orcus.

Orcus was battled and killed... but not slain.  Many argue the difference but the six centuries of peace have been disturbed by unseen shifting forces which have caused the waning of magic and the beliefs that the gods of Golarion may even exist.

These are tales of folklore, bar stories, and banter to keep the legends of old alive... at least on paper, if not in the hearts of their descendants.

Since the time of Starfall there have been many trying to make their lives better.  Many have succeeded in use of technology (Numeria) and firearms (Alkenstar).

One Day ... a story of my three main characters.


In the beginning there were three mortals whom were tired of their everyday lives.

One was a soldier for the church... of the day/week/month.  As long as the church was for the protection of the weak he did not care.  Dhaarkstone "The Stoner" was a paladin of the only order... one which dwarves were aplenty...  the drunk god Palor.  Palor was just, wise, and always has a stein of some ale in hand.

Myron of the House of the Shining Light was a monk with an itch in his britches which could only be soothed by leaving the monastery (something monks from his sect never done).  Myron "The Mistake" (named by his brethren) was thusly named because no matter what Myron did it was always a mistake in the eyes of the monastery.  What monk would wilfully venture outside the walls and boast about it?

Then last and not least was a crazy ole coot with books.  Magius Rhet.  Born to a rich family but not royalty so books were everywhere.  Reading was a way of life and words of all forms, shapes, sizes, and other dialects just came naturally to you Magius.  But in other matters he was a few brain cells short.  Those whom he grew up with thought he just hid behind books to look smart...  this was true because what his future lain in front of him he would not reveal until much later.

The Day Begun With Sex, Wine, Beer, and their last moments on Earth

Dhaarkstone had just gotten thrown out of the last service he was hired into...  Sons of Palor, the at-then deity for Good, Light, and Protection.  What he found was a bunch of bard/priests who sweet-talked those into their service and when their services weren't needed they were discarded into a local bar or in Dhaarkstone's case a brothel, not a place you'd encounter a paladin unless he was helping the local law enforcement.